
About me

Luna G. Cezar is a bachelor of Design from Federal University of Ceará, having experience in UI/UX design, front-end development (React / Javascript) and back-end development (Ruby on Rails). Has familiarity with relevant governmental projects, like the front-end development of the Ceará sem Fome Platform and the Ceará 2050 new portal. Also, has already participated of an assistive technology startup (VibEye) that was in the 3rd place of the brazilian Microsoft Imagine Cup 2017 finals, where collaborated with the design of the device and the visual identity of the brand.

For having graduated in Design, but also studied part of the Computation Engineering course in UFC, seeks to combine the technological knowledge acquired in the former course with the innovation and artistic liberty promoted in the Design course to build solutions that have new concepts, such as Faciliart, a generative art platform that allows the user to create this type of art without coding.


You can contact me on this email address: lunagondimcezar@gmail.com


Areas: Front-end (React), Back-end (Rails), UI/UX Design, Graphic Design

Languages: Typescript, Javascript, Ruby, HTML, CSS

Frameworks: React, Rails, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap


Most of my contributions can be found on Behance, GitHub and Shutterstock.

Below, you can access direct links to projects that I participated.

Full-stack Web Development

2023 – Faciliart (using Ruby on Rails, Vanilla Javascript, TailwindCSS and DaisyUI as stack). GitHub.

Front-End Web Development

2023 – Ceará 2050 (Daniel Amaral, Luna G. Cezar, Ícaro Lima, Rafael Braga and Danielo Gomes).

Web Design

2020 – UFC and DAUD against COVID-19 (Beatrice Arraes, Mateus Carvalho and Luna G. Cezar). More information.

2018 – VibEye.

2016 – Bartender.


2019 – VibSense Plus Feb. 2019 version (Samuel Jadson Lima on Creation/Design and Luna G. Cezar on 3D Modeling).


This résumé is also available in my LinkedIn profile.


Front-end developer (January 2024 – now)

Contracted as a Technological Innovation Scholarship Holder of Ceara’s Chief Scientist of Digital Transformation Program by FUNCAP, doing implementations and improvements in the areas of Front-end and UI/UX Design using React, Mantine and Tailwind as technologies, having, as a highlight, the development of a dashboard with multiple filters that made the relatively complex data display more intuitive.


Web development intern (March 2023 – September 2023)

Participation in the project called “Ceará 2050” in the areas of Design and Front-end Web Development using Tailwind and React as a collaborator in the implementation of a webpage that lists objectives for the initiative and the display of indicators on charts, besides the creation of a Design System for this project.


Ruby on Rails Developer (May 2021 – April 2022)

Participation, as an autonomous worker, of the development of a sports betting and betting house management system using Ruby on Rails and Bootstrap.


Design intern (September 2018 – March 2019)

Same activities as listed in the “Designer” occupation, adding the creation of the company’s landing page.

Designer (September 2017 – August 2018)

Actuation in an assistive technology startup, being the 3rd place in the brazilian finals of the Microsoft Imagine Cup 2017, as a one of the designers of VibSense, device that has the purpose of help visually impaired people to have autonomy through the detection of suspended obstacles through a ultrasound sensor, something that the white cane can’t detect. Also, contributed to the creation of a visual identity for the brand.

Partner (September 2017 – June 2018)

Company partner, having participation in management decisions during the length of the contract.

Group of Computer Networks, Software Engineering and Telecommunications (GREaT)

Scientific Initiation (July 2015 – August 2016)

Cloud mobile computing research focused on the offloading computing area.

Fortaleza Prefecture

Computing Intern (December 2014 – March 2016)

Systems administration and computer maintenance.

Laboratory of Computer Systems Engineering (LESC)

Intern (April 2015 – June 2015)

Firmware development using UEFI technology.

GTi Engenharia Jr.

Web developer (March 2014 – October 2014)

Development of web projects in order to gain experience in Joomla, HTML and CSS.

Trainee (December 2013 – March 2014)

Initial training on web development.


Federal University of Ceará (UFC)

Design (Completed – 2018.1 – 2023.2)

Computer Engineering (Interrupted – 2013.1 – 2017.2)


Brazilian Portuguese (Native)

English (B1)

2015 – TOEFL ITP – 483 – B1 (certificate)

2014 – TOEFL ITP – 500 – B1 (certificate)


BR1020180095161A2. Filed 2018-05-10. Brazil

Inventors: Samuel Jadson Lima, Murcio Gondim Cezar Filho, Danielo Gonçalves Gomes.

Title: Dispositivo e método auxiliar de mobilidade de deficientes visuais.

Title (English): Device and auxiliary method of mobility for the visually impaired.


NVIDIA – Fundamentals of Deep Learning

ID Number: 731c7a735a5f44d08d793188173c6d94

Issued: 2023-09-18

Link to certification